At the moment we have
45 users online 339 goods and services 300 trade offers made 300 items traded

Products for children Children's clothing and footwear Less than 1 year old


MiNi müts 6-kuud.

Location: Tartu, Rakvere
Class: Goods
Type: Trade for
Delivery: Handed over personally
Category: Less than 1 year old
Kuna silt ära lõigatud, siis täpset suurust ei tea (oma laps kandis u. poole aastasena), mütsi näoava mõõt 40cm.
Delivery information:
Username: bonica
Account type: Private
Address: Tartumaa, Estonia
Language: Eesti
Rating: 1 204.50
Offers made (60)
Deals made (62)
Reports (57 / 0)


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